So. Anything new happen while I was gone? LOL. I've had major personal blog writer's block. I was busy processing all the COVID/US election + insurrection/climate change stuff, and also writing a lot for work. Plus, washing groceries takes a lot of time. ;) Where does one even begin? I guess with 5 things I've learned in the After Times – at least the things I can identify to date. I've done a lot of neighborhood walking the last two years, along with lying on the bottom of my pool, Dustin-Hoffman-in-The-Graduate-style, blowing bubbles and trying to both process and escape from the hard stuff that 2020 and 2021 is throwing at the world. I've also spent a lot of time yelling across the room, "Did you wash your hands?" and "Do you have your mask?" and "Do you realize how good we have it?" My family love that so much. I think they wait in anticipation for me to say those things, and then their days are complete. I think they're sad that I don't do that as much anymore. I've said a thousand times to myself, "That's a PhD dissertation. So is that. And that." There is just so much to process. But everyone – or at least, those who use their brains – know that it's huge. So I'll keep it fairly pared down right now (or at least, it's pared down for me).